The Porn Store Employee

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So Sunday was pretty uneventful, but yesterday, which was not so busy, but busy enough to keep me occupied was pretty cool.

I finally got past a level in Super Mario World 2 that I couldn't get past, and by that time some guy came in and stood there talking to me for a good two hours, and then ANOTHER guy came in and talked to me until closing.

Some girl that was in my Senior Psych class came in, and just stared at me. She couldn't even bring herself to buy anything and left....


I sold two fake vaginas, a taylor wane one priced at 90 dollars and a "realistic one" priced at 20 bucks... not bad.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So I didn't get to update Monday. I didn't work tuesday, so I took the evening shift on monday just so that I would get something that resembles my normal paycheck.

Monday, the day before a holiday, was surprisingly busy. I sold over 50 DVD's and quite a few novelties.

Someone came in and bought the granny blow up doll and a penis pump. I wanted to laugh, because he was a young man. He looked all embarassed and said "It's a gag gift." Him, I may believe.

A lot of people use the "It's a gag gift" line. You'd really be surprised. Like I believe a $50 vibrator is a gag gift? Please. That's the most expensive gag gift in the world then.

I want to know something: Guys come in, looking normal, no bulges, nothing... HOW DO THEY SNEAK A 40 OUNCE BOTTLE OF BEER INTO THE BOOTHS? When I'm cleaning, I'll see a gigantic 40 oz bottle on the seat, and I can never figure out how they get them past me. Most of the guys come up and ask me for change before going into the booths, and I never notice anything out of the ordinary about them.

I had to blow up the display blow up doll we have. That was fun. I had to undress her, because she's wearing a costume that we sell (which they make in like a size 0. No normal person can fit into them, so we never sell them.) and then we didn't have a pump, so I had to blow her up like I would a floating pool toy. I took her back to my station, and I tripped and landed on top of her at the counter as people were coming in. It looked like I was getting it on with the doll behind the counter. I quickly blew her back up and hung her on the rack where she belonged, as they laughed at me.

Should be another update tomorrow.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Wow. Today the most disgusting thing happened.

I was putting DVD's away, when this OLD man comes up to me. He pulls me aside, because one of my regulars was there, hanging out with me and chatting, and he says "Me and my sister..." the second I hear those words, my mind ALMOST tunes out, but I snap myself back in, thinking, "Okay, maybe this is a man and his sister looking for a gag gift." I really wish it would've been, because he then says "Me and my sister have been playing with vibrators, and she's 77, so she gets a little loose down there, do you have any strap ons to help the situation?" I cringed inside, but smiled and helped him pick one out.

He purchases it, goes back out to his car, and then comes back. He then tells me he has this "lady friend," and that he wants a special female friend for his lady friend, and that he'd make it "worth her while." I cringe again, cause then he asked me. I shook my head, and he looked disappointed, and then offered his cell phone number. Ew.

I hope I never deal with this creep-o again.