The Porn Store Employee

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So I didn't get to update Monday. I didn't work tuesday, so I took the evening shift on monday just so that I would get something that resembles my normal paycheck.

Monday, the day before a holiday, was surprisingly busy. I sold over 50 DVD's and quite a few novelties.

Someone came in and bought the granny blow up doll and a penis pump. I wanted to laugh, because he was a young man. He looked all embarassed and said "It's a gag gift." Him, I may believe.

A lot of people use the "It's a gag gift" line. You'd really be surprised. Like I believe a $50 vibrator is a gag gift? Please. That's the most expensive gag gift in the world then.

I want to know something: Guys come in, looking normal, no bulges, nothing... HOW DO THEY SNEAK A 40 OUNCE BOTTLE OF BEER INTO THE BOOTHS? When I'm cleaning, I'll see a gigantic 40 oz bottle on the seat, and I can never figure out how they get them past me. Most of the guys come up and ask me for change before going into the booths, and I never notice anything out of the ordinary about them.

I had to blow up the display blow up doll we have. That was fun. I had to undress her, because she's wearing a costume that we sell (which they make in like a size 0. No normal person can fit into them, so we never sell them.) and then we didn't have a pump, so I had to blow her up like I would a floating pool toy. I took her back to my station, and I tripped and landed on top of her at the counter as people were coming in. It looked like I was getting it on with the doll behind the counter. I quickly blew her back up and hung her on the rack where she belonged, as they laughed at me.

Should be another update tomorrow.


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