The Porn Store Employee

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So last night was pretty slow, my DVD's were off by one and I met a general Manager named Francisco. He was a very loud and touchy Italian.

At 12, it was pretty much dead, except for one guy looking for a DVD with a girl in it, someone who he didn't remember her name, didn't remember her production company, just her face. He had me leaf through the few books we had, and when he didn't see her, he decided to go back into a booth.

Now, he was back there for a few minutes, when he comes back out and starts sorting through the DVD's again. When he came out, I had been singing Metallica's One, because it was on the radio, and that sparked a whole discussion on Metallica.

Then he started to head back to the booths, when he turned to be and said:
"Would you watch? Please?" I turned a few shades of fuschia and politely declined.

Later, after Mr. Watch Me was gone, I had to deal with this drunken New Zealander. He was nice enough, just very inebriated, and returning two "defective" DVD's. Uh Huh, sure... They were defective and I'm Lindsay Lohan.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tonight was quite boring. No sales for about the first 3 or 4 hours I was in the store.

So I shall pull an old story out.

It was a few weeks ago, and this guy comes in and asks if we accept trade-ins. Of course, I say yes, and he goes back out to his car.

He brings in over 100 DVDs, and I had to go through them all and calculate the totals. It was a living nightmare. I wanted to kill the guy.

That same night, I sold a fake Jenna Jameson replica pussy. The guy looks at me and says "My mistress told me to buy this." I start laughing mentally because I know it was going to become his mistress.

I'll have more stories probably saturday.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tonight was pretty uneventful, except later in the evening. There was a drag queen that came in. I was quite shocked, because I had never had a fully decked out one come in before, and apparently, he shaved in the bathroom.... I think I forgot to clean it up before I locked up. Oops....

So I broke a 1,500 tonight in sales. I was very happy, because I didn't break 500 on Sunday, which isn't good. That was a very slow day.

Maybe I'll have more on thursday, or I'll dig something up that's happened before. Either way, watch for the thursday update!


So the other day, my store almost caught fire.

I was sitting watching the monitors while my manager counted me out. When I get counted out, they count my register, and my quarter drawer. The quarter drawer is used for the booth money, which it stays at a set amount, because they trade things like 20's for 1's and 5's.

The monitor started acting weird. It looked like the picture was melting. I mentioned it to my manager, who came over to adjust it, and said "Oh my God, it's hot!" So he reached behind and unplugged it, and I went to get the fire extinguisher, which we thankfully didn't need.

Now I can't watch the booths from my station, so if I want to see what's being used, I have to get up and walk over to the booths.

Oh well.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

So This guy walks in on his way back to Hazleton, and he goes back to the bullets (egg shaped vibrators.) I think nothing of it until he comes back up to the counter and asks if we have a bullet with a smaller remote.

I walk back and see, and he suddenly says "This is for me, you know." I really didn't care, but whatever....

So he finds one he likes and buys it, and then inquires about the booths. I tell him it's a dollar for four minutes, and he mulls it over and goes back into one.

About 10 minutes he came back out, and was like "I thought I'd make the ride more interesting," and pulls the remote to the bullet out of his pocket.... I'll leave it to your imagination where the bullet actually was.